Topic | "Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)"

Have you mapped your Customer Success Journey yet?

By Subraya Mallya

We have all heard and know about Buyer’s Journey. The process they go through from the time a technology need arises, all the way through the decision process, involving inputs from all the stakeholders, till they make  a purchase. While that journey has been analyzed and optimized and then some,  I don’t think SaaS companies […]

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Evaluating a SaaS Subscription Billing Service

By Subraya Mallya

Selling Software-as-a-Service has created new challenges for companies around subscription billing, pricing and managing customer accounts. This has created a new category of software offerings called Subscription Billing. This post will outline the characteristics of a good subscription billing software.

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Can I have a trial please…

By Subraya Mallya

This question was originally posted on Quora and I had responded. I am expanding on that answer in this post. As companies push firmly into a SaaS delivery model, providing ability to do a trial/evaluation has become table stakes. In the new world order of technology procurement, buyers are more educated and prefer to touch-and-feel […]

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Cloud Computing 2011, through my binoculars

By Subraya Mallya

2010 was a blockbuster year for Cloud Computing, no two ways about it. The year started with naysayers pooh-poohing Cloud Computing as YATF (Yet Another Technology Fad) only to come back and endorse cloud with a backhanded compliment albeit calling it Private Cloud. A lot was achieved in terms of bringing down the hurdles that […]

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Multi-Tenant architecture for Enterprises?

By Subraya Mallya

The world is shrinking and the traditional boundaries between Desktop, Client-Server, Web and Cloud technologies are getting blurred. While some of your business applications should be strictly on-premise, some have to move to the private cloud and some travel to the public cloud. The users community of today’s applications are spread across Product divisions Geographies […]

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Multiple Personalities of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

By Subraya Mallya

Cloud Computing has slowly but surely seeped into every aspect of technology. All the Cloud-in-a-box, not-in-a-box, babble notwithstanding, there has been steady progress made on multiple fronts.  With the challenges around Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) all but conquered, technology vendors have firmly and steadily moved up the stack to kill the Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) monster. In attacking the multitude […]

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SaaS: Track, Measure, Monitor, Adapt

By Subraya Mallya

Software-as-a-Service business with all the virtues that it purports also demands that the service provider be agile. Agile, not only, in terms of the way product is built but delivered and managed. Unlike in the traditional software days, subscription revenue model requires that SaaS solution provider measure every process and continuously adapt based on the […]

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Key SaaS Metrics

By Subraya Mallya

As SaaS model firmly establishes itself as the go-to software delivery model, the metrics that companies need to track or manage their business to are different. Based on the sales model, user acquisition, pricing, revenue model, profit margins new metrics have become critical. If you are a SaaS business, here are few that you have […]

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SaaS Space quotas: Penny-wise, Pound-Foolish?

By Subraya Mallya

I was part of a small group of SaaS/Cloud leaders who got together to talk about Pricing strategies, organized by Lincoln Murphy (@lincolnmurphy). The group consisted of founders of early stage startups that were comparing notes with fellow startup leaders, on various pricing strategies that worked for them and virtues of each of them. Amongst […]

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Is SaaS making Open Source irrelevant?

By Subraya Mallya

Open Source software and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) represent the two real disruptions in the arena of enterprise software. In the last decade both have experienced real success and challenged the inertia that persisted in the enterprise software controlled by proprietary vendors. New business models, Product offerings have provided consumers with choices on both the price-performance as […]

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On-Premise to SaaS: Road Less Traveled

By Subraya Mallya

As SaaS increasingly becomes the preferred way for delivery and consumption  for all things software, incumbent on-premise vendors are feeling the heat to come up with their own version of SaaS application. Customers convinced of the  cost efficiencies of the SaaS model are resenting the hefty support contracts. The challenge of coming up with a […]

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New Year Resolutions of a SaaS CEO

By Subraya Mallya

2009 was a banner year for SaaS. With all the banter around Cloud Computing as an advancement in technology and it glories bandied around I would still be hard pressed to find a more compelling reason behind the larger success of SaaS – than the distressed economy. Companies with dwindling IT budgets ratcheted up the […]

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SaaS: Can I have Cloud to go with it..

By Subraya Mallya

One of the key drivers of the SaaS model has been the transfer of risks, burden and costs of ownership from the software buyer to the software vendor. In a way, by adopting SaaS the customers are telling the software industry to get their act together and bear the risks for their own doing. For […]

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Hard Metrics: Analytics for Call Center

By Subraya Mallya

Automation of business operations drove the adoption of technology by companies to gain efficiencies and competitive advantage in the marketplace. With the operational areas automated, it led to the next imperative for companies i.e, leverage the large amounts of data being captured, stored, organized in various disparate business systems and deliver it to the right […]

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SaaS for Government

By Subraya Mallya

In the last decade or so with leading the charge SaaS has made deep inroads into every area of commercial business software. Starting with Sales applications then moving into other edge applications like Collaboration, Project Management, Document Management. In the last couple of years even core business processes like Human Capital Management (SuccessFactors) and […]

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SAP SaaS Strategy

By Subraya Mallya

John Wookey, executive vice president of SAP On-Demand shared his vision for SAP’s SaaS strategy in an interview with  InformationWeek. Given the multiple SaaS/on-demand strategies SAP has presented to date this new one creates some confusion. In the past SAP has always portrayed Business ByDesign as its on-demand offering albeit making it available only in […]

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SaaS Rollup – Get…Set…Go

By Subraya Mallya

I recently read a post from Sranama Mitra where she makes a excellent case for a impending SaaS consolidation wave. She initially posited that Intuit and ADP were due for acquisitions in the payroll, billing space. As if that was the nudge Intuit needed, it promptly announced a deal to acquire PayCycle. Now ADP it […]

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Workday lands $75M in funding!!!

By Subraya Mallya

Dave Duffield’s SaaS startup Workday announced today that they closed a fifth round of funding – a whopping $75Million dollars. If you are a small startup desparately struggling for seed or Series A or Series C funding of a couple of million dollars, this news should feel like someone pouring salt on a open wound. […]

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SaaS Buyer’s Guide – Choosing the Right Vendor

By Subraya Mallya

As SaaS model becomes more mature and moves beyond Sales Automation into the more involved functional domains of Human Resources Management, Project Management, Supply Chain and Financial Analysis,  IT executives in companies now have to define the right process to procure SaaS offerings. While it is still a software that you are buying, the dynamics […]

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SaaS – A Compliance Nightmare?

By Subraya Mallya

In the regulatory climate we live in today, by adopting Software-as-a-Service/Cloud based services, business are confronted with two equally challenging choices. On the one-hand, SaaS provides companies with a controlled environment outside the control of their IT organization. The internal IT staff will have no access to the application, the data and infrastructure configuration that […]

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Aravo’s LARGE GE deal

By Subraya Mallya

Aravo – the Supplier Information Management SaaS vendor announced that General Electric has selected its hosted solution to manage the Supplier Information for 500,000 suppliers across 100 countries in six different languages. Here are couple of key things I take out of this announcement This is further illustration that large companies are increasingly making investments […]

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Selling Saas

By Subraya Mallya

While SaaS is making inroads in North America challenges abound as companies try to explore global markets and emerging economies.

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SaaS – Hype or Beware

By Subraya Mallya

Software-as-a-Service as a software (or should I say service) delivery model is causing upheaval in the software industry. Everyone from large software vendors to System Integrators are forced to take a look at it despite their announcement to the contrary. SaaS changes a lot of things that are true in software industry as we known […]

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