Topic | "Service Level Agreement (SLA)"

Have you mapped your Customer Success Journey yet?

By Subraya Mallya

We have all heard and know about Buyer’s Journey. The process they go through from the time a technology need arises, all the way through the decision process, involving inputs from all the stakeholders, till they make  a purchase. While that journey has been analyzed and optimized and then some,  I don’t think SaaS companies […]

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Crisis Management in Cloud = Courage under Fire

By Subraya Mallya

Service Levels have always been a critical business continuity metric that companies have tracked. This has been true even through the years when companies managed their entire technology portfolio themselves. With technologies increasingly moving to cloud, SLAs and the Recovery Metrics (RTO and RPO) are more critical for both the service provider and service consumers. […]

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SaaS: Track, Measure, Monitor, Adapt

By Subraya Mallya

Software-as-a-Service business with all the virtues that it purports also demands that the service provider be agile. Agile, not only, in terms of the way product is built but delivered and managed. Unlike in the traditional software days, subscription revenue model requires that SaaS solution provider measure every process and continuously adapt based on the […]

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On-Premise to SaaS: Road Less Traveled

By Subraya Mallya

As SaaS increasingly becomes the preferred way for delivery and consumption  for all things software, incumbent on-premise vendors are feeling the heat to come up with their own version of SaaS application. Customers convinced of the  cost efficiencies of the SaaS model are resenting the hefty support contracts. The challenge of coming up with a […]

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Graduating Cloud to the Enterprise: Infrastructure-as-a-Service

By Subraya Mallya

Companies large and small added Cloud Computing as an agenda item to every key decision they made around IT last year. As companies continued to combat the budget pressures stemming from the financial downturn the cost-efficiencies delivered by SaaS, PaaS, IaaS are becoming increasing irresistible. These topics are no longer fancy acronyms that are restricted […]

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New Year Resolutions of a SaaS CEO

By Subraya Mallya

2009 was a banner year for SaaS. With all the banter around Cloud Computing as an advancement in technology and it glories bandied around I would still be hard pressed to find a more compelling reason behind the larger success of SaaS – than the distressed economy. Companies with dwindling IT budgets ratcheted up the […]

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SaaS: Legal Issues explained

By Subraya Mallya

Established companies venturing into SaaS business or newbies starting off as SaaS companies have to deal with a lot of new and evolving challenges. Everything that you can possibly think of is different with SaaS model. To say that it is changing the software business is an understatement. Starting with delivery model, architecture, sales, support […]

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SaaS Vs On-Premise: Sales Strategies

By Subraya Mallya

Much has been written about the virtues of SaaS vis-a-vis on-premise traditional software in the last 4-5 years as SaaS made inroads into companies. My last post on SaaS Sales Strategy drew a lot of interest and also  brought queries from the sales community regarding how to contend with on-premise vs SaaS issue when trying […]

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SaaS Buyer’s Guide – Choosing the Right Vendor

By Subraya Mallya

As SaaS model becomes more mature and moves beyond Sales Automation into the more involved functional domains of Human Resources Management, Project Management, Supply Chain and Financial Analysis,  IT executives in companies now have to define the right process to procure SaaS offerings. While it is still a software that you are buying, the dynamics […]

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