Topic | "Value Proposition"

Early Adopters and the value they bring to your product

By Subraya Mallya

All products need validation before they are built to ascertain the real problem they solve. They need early supporters/evangelists, after they are built, to prove the worth in the marketplace and to cross the proverbial chasm. Getting people to try your product is tough but let us assume you were lucky and found some early […]

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Conducting an effective sales discovery call

By Subraya Mallya

Sales discovery call is an important event in the sales process. Assessing and gaining an in-depth understanding of the prospect’s real challenges, mapping that to our offering to demonstrate positive outcomes, all will have a big bearing on how (if at all) you close the deal. While everybody involved in the sales process knows the […]

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Value Proposition – Should it be Problem focused or Result focused?

By Subraya Mallya

Bringing a product to the market is difficult. Convincing others to buy the product or use the product is even more. It is critical that the positioning of the product and messaging the value it delivers is done right. The Value Proposition of a product or service has a major impact on the success of […]

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What to look for while interviewing sales people in a startup

By Subraya Mallya

As a Marketing lead or an executive that is not directly responsible for Sales, you must have been called to interview a sales candidate frequently. I have had my share of those interviews. Sales is one skill that I don’t profess to have any expertise on. The ability to create new relationships, manage them on […]

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SaaS Sales Strategies

By Subraya Mallya

As recession rolls on and IT budgets get persistently scrutinized, new sales deals are tough to come by. Although SaaS companies are benefiting in this environment (relatively speaking) thanks to the low-cost subscription model, they should still be smart about adopting new SaaS Sales Strategies. The key tenet for selling a SaaS solution is that […]

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